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- İyi bir klinik eğitimin sizce kriterleri neler olmalıdır?
İyi bir klinik eğitimin sizce kriterleri neler olmalıdır?
13 years 3 months ago #1
by bidiboom
Replied by bidiboom on topic İyi bir klinik eğitimin sizce kriterleri neler olmalıdır?
Çok gecikmiş olmakla beraber teşekkür etmek istedim:)
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13 years 3 months ago #2
by eguerre
Replied by eguerre on topic İyi bir klinik eğitimin sizce kriterleri neler olmalıdır?
Soru iyi bir klinik egitimin kriterleri nelerdir? Ancak ben iyi bir egitimin kriterlerinden birtanesine vurgu yapmak istedim.
Bu kriterlerden birtanesi de yakin gelecekte yasayacagimiz dunyanin gerekliliklerinin farkinda olmaktir.
Verilen egitimin bir amaci vardir. Bu amac eger degisen ve gelisen dunya icinde yerini bulamazsa alinan egitim bosuna vakit kaybidir.
Ornegin ABD'nin bazi eyaletlerinde okullarda el yazisi egitimi kaldirildi. Cunku yakin gelecekte artik el yazisi sadece tarihi degeri olan bir kavram haline gelecek.Insanlar kontratlarini bile elektronik ortamda imzaliyor artik. Yaz tatilinde 8 yasindaki kizima el yazisi calismaktan ziyade hergun 15 dk typing calismasini odev olarak verdiler.
Gunumuzde girisimcilere baktiginizda buyuk cogunlugu 25-35 yas arasi genc insanlar. Bazi meslek dallari kaybolurken, yeni meslekler ortaya cikiyor. Dolayisi ile cocuklarimizin okullarda aldigi egitimin de bu gerceklere gore yeniden gozden gecirilmesi ve sekillenmesi gerekli. Google'a tiklayarak 1 sn de ulasabildigimiz bilgileri cocuklara ezberletmenin zamani gecti artik. Hayatta kalmanin sartlari degisiyor cunku. Dogru ya da yanlis tartisilir ama gercekler boyle.
Bilim denilen isik artik insanin bedensel ve sosyal yapisini da daha iyi anlamaya basladi. Insanoglu hangi sartlarda daha iyi egitilir, daha iyi ogrenir, daha verimli calisir sorularini sordu ve cevaplarini da ciddiye almaya basladi. Okullarin, siniflarin mimarisi, dekorasyonu, egitim arac gerecleri, egitim saatleri de degisiyor.
Belki bu tip egitimini de etkileyecektir. Belki zamanla spesifik branslar oyle cok gelisecek ki genel tip egitimi almadan direk brans egitimi ile tip egitimine baslayacak ogrenciler. Klinik egitimin asagida bahsedilen medikal bilgi, iletisim yetenekleri, profesyonellik gibi kavramlarin icerigi zamanla degisecek hatta gelisen teknoloji ile birlikte bazilari onemini yitirecektir. Belki muhendisler oyle gelismis algoritmalar yazacaklar ki sadece muayene ve laboratuvar bilgilerini bilgisayar girmek % 99 dogrulukta bize teshisi gosterecek. Hasta basinda visit yapip beyin jimnastigi yapmak gereksiz hale gelecek.
Bilemiyorum belki de ben bu aralar cok bilim kurgu filmi seyrediyorum
Ancak soylemek istedigim bu degisimleri farkina varip egitim sistemini surekli guncellestirmek iyi bir egitimin kriterlerinden biridir.
Bu kriterlerden birtanesi de yakin gelecekte yasayacagimiz dunyanin gerekliliklerinin farkinda olmaktir.
Verilen egitimin bir amaci vardir. Bu amac eger degisen ve gelisen dunya icinde yerini bulamazsa alinan egitim bosuna vakit kaybidir.
Ornegin ABD'nin bazi eyaletlerinde okullarda el yazisi egitimi kaldirildi. Cunku yakin gelecekte artik el yazisi sadece tarihi degeri olan bir kavram haline gelecek.Insanlar kontratlarini bile elektronik ortamda imzaliyor artik. Yaz tatilinde 8 yasindaki kizima el yazisi calismaktan ziyade hergun 15 dk typing calismasini odev olarak verdiler.
Gunumuzde girisimcilere baktiginizda buyuk cogunlugu 25-35 yas arasi genc insanlar. Bazi meslek dallari kaybolurken, yeni meslekler ortaya cikiyor. Dolayisi ile cocuklarimizin okullarda aldigi egitimin de bu gerceklere gore yeniden gozden gecirilmesi ve sekillenmesi gerekli. Google'a tiklayarak 1 sn de ulasabildigimiz bilgileri cocuklara ezberletmenin zamani gecti artik. Hayatta kalmanin sartlari degisiyor cunku. Dogru ya da yanlis tartisilir ama gercekler boyle.
Bilim denilen isik artik insanin bedensel ve sosyal yapisini da daha iyi anlamaya basladi. Insanoglu hangi sartlarda daha iyi egitilir, daha iyi ogrenir, daha verimli calisir sorularini sordu ve cevaplarini da ciddiye almaya basladi. Okullarin, siniflarin mimarisi, dekorasyonu, egitim arac gerecleri, egitim saatleri de degisiyor.
Belki bu tip egitimini de etkileyecektir. Belki zamanla spesifik branslar oyle cok gelisecek ki genel tip egitimi almadan direk brans egitimi ile tip egitimine baslayacak ogrenciler. Klinik egitimin asagida bahsedilen medikal bilgi, iletisim yetenekleri, profesyonellik gibi kavramlarin icerigi zamanla degisecek hatta gelisen teknoloji ile birlikte bazilari onemini yitirecektir. Belki muhendisler oyle gelismis algoritmalar yazacaklar ki sadece muayene ve laboratuvar bilgilerini bilgisayar girmek % 99 dogrulukta bize teshisi gosterecek. Hasta basinda visit yapip beyin jimnastigi yapmak gereksiz hale gelecek.
Bilemiyorum belki de ben bu aralar cok bilim kurgu filmi seyrediyorum
Ancak soylemek istedigim bu degisimleri farkina varip egitim sistemini surekli guncellestirmek iyi bir egitimin kriterlerinden biridir.
The following user(s) said Thank You: rzdede
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13 years 3 months ago - 13 years 3 months ago #3
by umc
Replied by umc on topic İyi bir klinik eğitimin sizce kriterleri neler olmalıdır?
Ne güzel bir tartışma açtınız.
Bu konuda, ABD'de mezuniyet sonrası tıp eğitiminin kriterlerini belirleyen ACGME kuruluşunun belirlemiş olduğu kriterler aşağıdaki şekildedir. Türkiye'de Sağlık Bakanlığımızın benzeri bir çalışması varsa burda görmek isteriz.
Common Program Requirements: General Competencies
Approved by the ACGME Board February 13, 2007
ACGME Competencies
The program must integrate the following ACGME competencies into the curriculum:
• Patient Care
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is compassionate, appropriate, and
effective for the treatment of health problems and the promotion of health. Residents
are expected to:
[as further specified by the RC]
• Medical Knowledge
Residents must demonstrate knowledge of established and evolving biomedical,
clinical, epidemiological and social-behavioral sciences, as well as the application of
this knowledge to patient care. Residents are expected to:
[as further specified by the RC]
• Practice-based Learning and Improvement
Residents must demonstrate the ability to investigate and evaluate their care of
patients, to appraise and assimilate scientific evidence, and to continuously improve
patient care based on constant self-evaluation and life-long learning. Residents are
expected to develop skills and habits to be able to meet the following goals:
o identify strengths, deficiencies, and limits in one’s knowledge and expertise;
o set learning and improvement goals;
o identify and perform appropriate learning activities;
o systematically analyze practice using quality improvement methods, and
implement changes with the goal of practice improvement;
o incorporate formative evaluation feedback into daily practice; o locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from scientific studies related to their
patients’ health problems;
o use information technology to optimize learning; and,
o participate in the education of patients, families, students, residents and other
health professionals.
[as further specified by the RC]
• Interpersonal and Communication Skills
Residents must demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that result in the
effective exchange of information and collaboration with patients, their families, and
health professionals. Residents are expected to:
o communicate effectively with patients, families, and the public, as appropriate,
across a broad range of socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds;
o communicate effectively with physicians, other health professionals, and health
related agencies;
o work effectively as a member or leader of a health care team or other professional
o act in a consultative role to other physicians and health professionals; and,
o maintain comprehensive, timely, and legible medical records, if applicable.
[as further specified by the RC]
• Professionalism
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carrying out professional
responsibilities and an adherence to ethical principles. Residents are expected to
o compassion, integrity, and respect for others;
o responsiveness to patient needs that supersedes self-interest;
o respect for patient privacy and autonomy;
o accountability to patients, society and the profession; and, o sensitivity and responsiveness to a diverse patient population, including but not
limited to diversity in gender, age, culture, race, religion, disabilities, and sexual
[as further specified by the RC]
• Systems-based Practice
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and responsiveness to the larger context
and system of health care, as well as the ability to call effectively on other resources
in the system to provide optimal health care. Residents are expected to:
o work effectively in various health care delivery settings and systems relevant to
their clinical specialty;
o coordinate patient care within the health care system relevant to their clinical
o incorporate considerations of cost awareness and risk-benefit analysis in patient
and/or population-based care as appropriate;
o advocate for quality patient care and optimal patient care systems;
o work in interprofessional teams to enhance patient safety and improve patient care
quality; and
o participate in identifying system errors and implementing potential systems
Bu konuda, ABD'de mezuniyet sonrası tıp eğitiminin kriterlerini belirleyen ACGME kuruluşunun belirlemiş olduğu kriterler aşağıdaki şekildedir. Türkiye'de Sağlık Bakanlığımızın benzeri bir çalışması varsa burda görmek isteriz.
Common Program Requirements: General Competencies
Approved by the ACGME Board February 13, 2007
ACGME Competencies
The program must integrate the following ACGME competencies into the curriculum:
• Patient Care
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is compassionate, appropriate, and
effective for the treatment of health problems and the promotion of health. Residents
are expected to:
[as further specified by the RC]
• Medical Knowledge
Residents must demonstrate knowledge of established and evolving biomedical,
clinical, epidemiological and social-behavioral sciences, as well as the application of
this knowledge to patient care. Residents are expected to:
[as further specified by the RC]
• Practice-based Learning and Improvement
Residents must demonstrate the ability to investigate and evaluate their care of
patients, to appraise and assimilate scientific evidence, and to continuously improve
patient care based on constant self-evaluation and life-long learning. Residents are
expected to develop skills and habits to be able to meet the following goals:
o identify strengths, deficiencies, and limits in one’s knowledge and expertise;
o set learning and improvement goals;
o identify and perform appropriate learning activities;
o systematically analyze practice using quality improvement methods, and
implement changes with the goal of practice improvement;
o incorporate formative evaluation feedback into daily practice; o locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from scientific studies related to their
patients’ health problems;
o use information technology to optimize learning; and,
o participate in the education of patients, families, students, residents and other
health professionals.
[as further specified by the RC]
• Interpersonal and Communication Skills
Residents must demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that result in the
effective exchange of information and collaboration with patients, their families, and
health professionals. Residents are expected to:
o communicate effectively with patients, families, and the public, as appropriate,
across a broad range of socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds;
o communicate effectively with physicians, other health professionals, and health
related agencies;
o work effectively as a member or leader of a health care team or other professional
o act in a consultative role to other physicians and health professionals; and,
o maintain comprehensive, timely, and legible medical records, if applicable.
[as further specified by the RC]
• Professionalism
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carrying out professional
responsibilities and an adherence to ethical principles. Residents are expected to
o compassion, integrity, and respect for others;
o responsiveness to patient needs that supersedes self-interest;
o respect for patient privacy and autonomy;
o accountability to patients, society and the profession; and, o sensitivity and responsiveness to a diverse patient population, including but not
limited to diversity in gender, age, culture, race, religion, disabilities, and sexual
[as further specified by the RC]
• Systems-based Practice
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and responsiveness to the larger context
and system of health care, as well as the ability to call effectively on other resources
in the system to provide optimal health care. Residents are expected to:
o work effectively in various health care delivery settings and systems relevant to
their clinical specialty;
o coordinate patient care within the health care system relevant to their clinical
o incorporate considerations of cost awareness and risk-benefit analysis in patient
and/or population-based care as appropriate;
o advocate for quality patient care and optimal patient care systems;
o work in interprofessional teams to enhance patient safety and improve patient care
quality; and
o participate in identifying system errors and implementing potential systems
The following user(s) said Thank You: bidiboom, gokhansaid
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13 years 3 months ago - 13 years 3 months ago #4
by bidiboom
İyi bir klinik eğitimin kriterleri nelerdir? Bu soruyu ABD ile sınırlayarak sormuyorum; nerede olursa olsun bir insanın doktor olmak için girdiği eğitimin kilinik ayağı gerçekten nasıl olmalıdır? İyi bir okul bu anlamda bir öğrenciye neler verebilmelidir?
Teşekkür ederim.
İyi bir klinik eğitimin kriterleri nelerdir? Bu soruyu ABD ile sınırlayarak sormuyorum; nerede olursa olsun bir insanın doktor olmak için girdiği eğitimin kilinik ayağı gerçekten nasıl olmalıdır? İyi bir okul bu anlamda bir öğrenciye neler verebilmelidir?
Teşekkür ederim.
The following user(s) said Thank You: gokhansaid
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- İyi bir klinik eğitimin sizce kriterleri neler olmalıdır?
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