2010-2011 Başvuruları
To: IMGs Using ERAS(r)
From: ERAS Support Services at ECFMG(r)
ERAS Support Services at ECFMG offers the Return of Document Service (RODS), an optional service that allows international medical students and graduates (IMGs) participating in the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) to request the return of eligible documents.
RODS is expected to become available for the ERAS 2011 application season on Tuesday, January 25, 2011. IMGs participating in ERAS may request the return of documents submitted for the current ERAS application season only.
For additional information, refer to the RODS information available on the ECFMG website at www.ecfmg.org/eras/rods.html .
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Ben de bu yil ki eslesmeye basvurmayi planliyorum. ECFMG sertifikami yeni aldim. Yalniz bir ay once biraz erken bir dogum yaptim,ve hazirlamam gereken belgeleri malesef henuz hazirlayamadim:(, ve sanirim gec kaldim. Bana bu konuda yardimci olabilrseniz cok sevinirim. Eger mumkunse Dekan mektubu ve LOR ornekleri yollayabilirmisiniz. Simdiden tesekurler, basarilar diliyorum.
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LOR sayfasındakı fedex,other,upsp vs. kısmına fazla takılma bana gore formalıteden ıbaret,ben bazılarına kargoyu bazılarına otherı yazdım,hicbir fark olmadı, kolay gelsin.
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Cok guzel. Guncelleme icin cok tesekkurler. Burda cover sheet ile mektubu ayri ayri yollayabilecegin anlami mi cikiyor?
Hayir Ulas Abi oyle bir anlam cikmiyor malesef. O yuzden muallakta kaldim nasil gonderebilirim diye.
Hatice, ben de dedigin gibi dusunup mektubu ayri bir zarfin icinde cover sheet ve dsf ile gondermeye karar verdim.Insallah bir sorun olmaz. Ama ECFMG'yi arayip sormadim.
Cover sheet'teki talimatlarda soyle diyor: Attach this sheet to the original letter before sending it, to help the ECFMG identify your letter with my file. Include the ECFMG Document Submission Form (DSF), which I have provided to you, along with the letter and the cover sheet.
Yabanci bir forumda birisi hocasinin ayni bu sekilde gonderdigini soylemis, ama kabul edilip edilmedigini yazmamis.
Sonucu paylasacagim,
Tesekkurler cevaplariniz icin:)
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( eger adam mektubu agzi muhurlu zarfta vermisse bana sorun olmaz gibi geliyor) Cunku yazi dili olarak eger gercekten mutlaka olmali olan seylerde MUST ifadesini kullanmayi cok seviyor eras veya ecfmg. Burada bu kadar kati bir dil yok..Mektup da muhurlu.. ?????
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Ulas Abi, ECFMG-ERAS sayfasindan 'supporting documents' kisminda mektubu kendimizin gonderebilecegi yaziyor. Buraya kopyaliyorum. Baglanti adresi: www.ecfmg.org/eras/lors.html
"Whether to waive your right to see your LoRs is a matter strictly between you and the letter writer. If you already have some LoRs, you obviously did not waive your right to see them. In that case, submit the original LoR and retain a photocopy of the LoR for your records.
If you do waive your right to see your LoRs, provide the letter writer with a completed AAMC Request for Letter of Recommendation/Cover Sheet and a completed DSF so that he/she can send the LoR directly to us in a sealed envelope from the institution.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you waive your right to see an LoR, that letter will not be eligible for return through the Return of Document Service (RODS)."
Cok guzel. Guncelleme icin cok tesekkurler. Burda cover sheet ile mektubu ayri ayri yollayabilecegin anlami mi cikiyor?
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"Whether to waive your right to see your LoRs is a matter strictly between you and the letter writer. If you already have some LoRs, you obviously did not waive your right to see them. In that case, submit the original LoR and retain a photocopy of the LoR for your records.
If you do waive your right to see your LoRs, provide the letter writer with a completed AAMC Request for Letter of Recommendation/Cover Sheet and a completed DSF so that he/she can send the LoR directly to us in a sealed envelope from the institution.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you waive your right to see an LoR, that letter will not be eligible for return through the Return of Document Service (RODS)."
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Adamin sekreterine ulasip, belgeleri de ekleyip onun gondermesini saglamak. Cunku bu onlar icin coookkk basit bir isi ve bildikleri sey zaten..Problem cikarmazlar..
2. secenek sen veya biri O hacaya en yakin FEDXElerden biriyle gonderebilir. Yani Amerika icinden ayni sehirden..
3. Baska care yoksa sen gondereceksin..Mektubu hic gondermemekten iyidir. Ikinci secenek , mektubun agzi muhurlu oldugu icin olabilir gibi geliyor. Bana mektup yazanlardan biri mektubun agzina da imsa attigini bunun orjinal mektuplar icin hep yapildigini soylemisti..
Ama bence biraz bekle bakalim, belki basina bu is gelmis biri tecrubesini paylasabilir..Ama bu arada sekreteriyle iliski kurup durumu izah et..Sorun cikarmaz. Zaten mektubu sana da o gondermistir..
Kolay gelsin..
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Ulas Abi, mektubu biz de yollayabiliyoruz diye biliyorum ben. Ancak bu durumda gorme hakkindan vazgecmemis olmak gerekiyor. Benim merak ettigim, ayri bir zarfin icine bu muhurlu zarfi ve cover sheet ile dsf'i koysam yine de gorme hakkimdan vazgecmis sayilir miyim?
Bu konuda son yönetmelik nedir bakmak lazım. Mektubu sen yollayabiliyor musun ben bilmiyorum. Benim zamanımda yollanıyordu, sonra kaldırıldı, sonra yine eski sisteme dönüldü mü bilemiyorum. Son birkaç yılda mektubunu kendi zarfa koyup yollayan varsa onların tecrübelerinden faydalanmak lazım. Ayrı ayrı yollamak bana pek mantıklı gelmedi.
Ben son durumu ERAS'dan buldum buraya kopyalıyorum, yanlız ayrıntılı okumaya vaktim olmadı, tartışmayı buradan geliştirelim :
ERAS Support Services at ECFMG
Policy on Original Documents for Letters of Recommendation (LoRs) and Medical Student
Performance Evaluations (MSPEs)
(Posted July 12, 2006; revised June 25, 2007, June 15, 2009, June 10, 2010)
In concert with the existing policy established for all U.S. medical graduates applying for
residency programs and to maintain the integrity of documents reviewed by program directors
via ERAS, ERAS Support Services at ECFMG requires that all letters of recommendation
(LoRs) and Medical Student Performance Evaluations (MSPEs) submitted as part of an ERAS
application be original documents. ERAS Support Services does not require original medical
school transcripts; original medical school transcripts should not be submitted.
ERAS Support Services will not delay the processing of an ERAS application if an ERAS
applicant cannot supply an original MSPE or LoR. However, the document will be annotated as
described below. U.S. program directors have been advised not to discount or otherwise disfavor
any ERAS application based on a copy annotation.
Letters of Recommendation
LoRs must be written on official institutional letterhead of the letter writer and manually signed
by the letter writer. LoRs with an electronic or stamped signature will be deemed copies. For
enhanced authentication, ERAS Support Services suggests applicants request that letter writers
affix an institutional seal to the LoR. Photocopies of original letters will be deemed copies.
LoRs not written in English must include an official English translation; that is, an English
translation prepared by and certified to be correct by a medical school official (for example, a
Dean or Registrar), a government official (for example, a Consular Officer), or a professional
translation service. The translation must appear on official stationery and must bear the original
signature and title of the medical school official, government official, or representative of the
translation service. If the translation service is a private company, the letterhead stationery must
identify the company as a translation service.
Medical Student Performance Evaluations
The MSPE must be written on medical school letterhead with the medical school seal affixed and
must be signed by the designated medical school official. If the document is not in English, an
official English translation (as defined above) must accompany the MSPE. The MSPE must
include the applicant’s full name. If an applicant cannot obtain an MSPE, he/she can indicate this
at the appropriate place on the MyERAS Application.
The term “Dean’s letter” is no longer used. Applicants are urged to approach their respective
Dean’s office to acquire an MSPE. The content of the MSPE should provide an “evaluation” of
the applicant’s performance during the course of his/her medical school years, relative to his/her
peers. The MSPE should not act as a “predictor” of future performance but provide information
about academic performance.
Documents Submitted to ECFMG for Scanning
ECFMG will make a visual inspection to determine if the LoR or MSPE is an original or a copy.
ECFMG will not conduct a primary-source verification of these document types. If an applicant
cannot submit an original document, and the submitted document(s) is (are) determined by
ECFMG to be a copy, ERAS Support Services at ECFMG will stamp the document(s) to read as
COPY–Originals Required For This Document Type
ERAS Support Services
The annotation stamped on the document will be viewable by program directors. Official
English translations accompanying submitted documents will be marked as copies if the
underlying documents are determined to be copies.
Note that the requirement for original documents will not cause processing delays nor will
documents be rejected if copies are submitted. Additionally, this is an ECFMG requirement only.
Programs have been instructed not to disregard an ERAS application based on the above
Documents Submitted to ECFMG Electronically
ERAS Support Services at ECFMG is working with international medical schools that submit
supporting documents on behalf of their medical students/graduates to implement an optional
process through which schools can submit these supporting documents electronically to
ECFMG. These documents include MSPEs and LoRs.
MSPEs received electronically from the medical school are considered to be original
ERAS Support Services has instructed all medical schools participating in the electronic
submission of LoRs to submit only those LoRs that they determined to be original
documents in accordance with the ECFMG original document policy outlined above.
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Yeni bir soru ile karsinizdayim yine:) Referans mektubu istedigim hocalarimdan biri, mektubu muhurlu zarfa koyup verdi. Zarfin icinde malesef 'cover sheet' ve DSF(document submission form) yok. Hocaya ABD'den ulasip mektubu alabilmem (yakinim vasitasi ile) 2 haftami aldigi icin, tekrar yeni bir zarf icinde cover sheet ve dsf ile birlikte mektubu gondermek zor geliyor acikcasi (Kendim degil de baskalari araciligiyla yaptigim icin, daha fazla zora sokmak istemiyorum kimseyi acikcasi) Hocamiz da zaten cok yogun, ulasmak cok zor oldu.
Sorum su: Universite amblemli bu muhurlu zarfi baska bir duz beyaz zarf icine 'cover sheet' ve 'dsf' ile birlikte koyup ECFMG'ye kendim gondersem, hala mektubu gorme hakkimdan vazgecmis olarak sayilir miyim? Veya bu mektubu baska ne sekilde gonderebilirim?
Olmaz Esra, mektubu hocanın dırek gondermesı gerekır, baska yolu yok.
Zaten baska turlusunu ERAS kabul etmez. Bu yeni kural. Eskiden mektubu sen de yollayabiliyordun artık yollayamazsın.
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Yeni bir soru ile karsinizdayim yine:) Referans mektubu istedigim hocalarimdan biri, mektubu muhurlu zarfa koyup verdi. Zarfin icinde malesef 'cover sheet' ve DSF(document submission form) yok. Hocaya ABD'den ulasip mektubu alabilmem (yakinim vasitasi ile) 2 haftami aldigi icin, tekrar yeni bir zarf icinde cover sheet ve dsf ile birlikte mektubu gondermek zor geliyor acikcasi (Kendim degil de baskalari araciligiyla yaptigim icin, daha fazla zora sokmak istemiyorum kimseyi acikcasi) Hocamiz da zaten cok yogun, ulasmak cok zor oldu.
Sorum su: Universite amblemli bu muhurlu zarfi baska bir duz beyaz zarf icine 'cover sheet' ve 'dsf' ile birlikte koyup ECFMG'ye kendim gondersem, hala mektubu gorme hakkimdan vazgecmis olarak sayilir miyim? Veya bu mektubu baska ne sekilde gonderebilirim?
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Fedex'le gondermenin soyle bir avantaji var.Sana verecekleri takip numarasi ile gonderdigin postanin ne zaman nerede oldugunu ogrenebilirsin.
Bu arada mektuplari sen mi yoksa mektup verenler mi gonderecek. Veya aslinda mektubu gordun de gormedim kismini mi isaretleyeceksin?? Eger mektup gorme hakkindan vazgectiysen mektuplari ayri ayri mi gondereceksin?? Ince ayrintilari atlama diye soyluyorum..
Hatice burda da hayat kurtarmaya devam ediyorsun. Eline diline saglik.
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Bu arada mektuplari sen mi yoksa mektup verenler mi gonderecek. Veya aslinda mektubu gordun de gormedim kismini mi isaretleyeceksin?? Eger mektup gorme hakkindan vazgectiysen mektuplari ayri ayri mi gondereceksin?? Ince ayrintilari atlama diye soyluyorum..
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Cevap icin tesekkur ederim
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Bu olay Amerika'ya gidecek her belge icin her zaman iki farkli adres seklinde degil. Ama eger bunu ozel olarak belittilerse ki, tavsiye mektubu ve baska birtakim belgelerde bu boyle, o zaman fedex adresine PTT,yani USPS, ile gonderirseniz ellerine gecmiyor!!
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Bu arada bir sorum var yine:) DSF (Document submission form)'da mektuplari hangi posta servisi ile gonderecegimizi secmemizi istiyor. Secenekler: Fedex, DHL, Office visit, UPS, US Postaal Servise, other. Ben PTT ile gonderecegim. Bu durumda other'i mi yoksa US Postal Servis'i mi secmem gerekiyor? Cunku Cover letter'da other diye bir secenek yok ve mektuplarin gonderilecegi adresi 'US Postal Service' ve 'Courier Service(fedex vs)' olarak 2'ye ayirmis.
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Kolay gelsin..
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Sanirim 1 temmuz itibariyle basvuru icin programlarin pozisyonlari belli oldu..Kimler nerelere basvuruyor? Bu sene ne durumdayiz?
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