- Göğüs Cerrahisi (thoracic surgery)
- Kalp-Damar Cerrahisi için şansımız nedir?
Kalp-Damar Cerrahisi için şansımız nedir?
Kimsenin işsiz görünmediğinin altını çizmek isterim.
Thoracic Surgery
General program information
Academic year 2010
Number of accredited programs 70
Length of accredited training 2/3
Minimum number of prior years required 5
Offers graduate year 1 positions, available immediately upon medical school completion No
Average number of PY1 interviews 17.4
Total number of active residents/fellows 223
Average number of residents/fellows 3.1
Average percent female 19.7%
Average percent international medical graduates 26.2%
Average number of full-time physician faculty 10.6
Average number of part-time physician faculty 0.3
Average percent female full-time physician faculty 5.7%
Average ratio of full-time physician faculty to resident/fellow 3.9
Resident work hours (PY1)
Average hours on duty per week 73.6
Average maximum consecutive hours on duty 25.7
Average days off duty per week 1.1
Work environment and compensation(PY1)
Average percent of training in hospital outpatient clinics 14.2%
Average percent of training in non-hospital ambulatory care community settings 3.9%
Average resident/fellow compensation $57,722
Average number weeks of vacation 3.2
Graduates' career plans statistics
In 2010, 84 residents or fellows completed training in Thoracic Surgery. Program directors knew of the plans of 72 (85.7%). Please interpret the following accordingly.
Completing training 84
With known plans 72 (85.7%)
Pursuing more training 22 (30.6%)
Practicing in the US 25 (34.7%)
Group practice 72.0%
In same specialty 88.0%
In same state as program 24.0%
In NHSC or similar underserved area 0.0%
Academician 24 (33.3%)
Full-time 100.0%
Military 0 (0.0%)
Non-clinical research 0 (0.0%)
Non-medical career/left country 1 (1.4%)
Unemployed 0 (0.0%)
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Referans olarak internetten böyle bir link verebilirim :
These data raise significant concerns regarding job opportunities for residents graduating from cardiothoracic surgery training programs in the United States. Residents report that few good positions exist and that many were unable to find any employment. These conditions have resulted in the phenomenon of fully-trained cardiothoracic surgeons seeking additional training because they were unable to find a job or as a hedge against the difficult job market. It is noteworthy that a significant number of graduates planned on additional training before ever looking for employment. As more residents extend training, a growing pool of unemployed cardiothoracic surgeons competes with new graduates for the limited number of jobs available yearly.
Bu da gayet özenli yapılmış bir araştırma ancak benim daha önce okuduğum başka bir araştırma daha vardı onu da bulursam eklerim .
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ABD'de işsiz hekim olduğunu zannetmem. Böyle bir şey söz konusu olamaz, sistemin işleyişi açısından...
Talep azalmış olabilir, kadrolar daralmış olabilir, bazı tıbbi alanlardan çekilmiş olunabilir ancak uzman bir hekimin işsiz dolaşmak zorunda kaldığını kanıtlayacak bir referans / birebir gözlem/tecrübeyi bu yoruma eklemek zorundayız.
downmania wrote: İlginç olabilir ama şu anda ABD'de tıpta sayılı olarak işsizlik olan bölümlerden birisi KVC . 20 sene önce olsa farklı olabilirdi ama artık girişimsel kardiyoloji KVC'nin çoğu işini yapmaya başladı . KVC kadrosu torakal cerrahi olarak açılıyor ancak çok az sayıda. Damar cerrahisi alan birkaç hastane var ama damar işini genel cerrah da yapıyor .
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bunlardan birini secmen gerekir. kalple ilgili olani toraks cerrahisidir.
genel olarak bu programlar 5 yilik cerrahi sonrasi yan dal (fellowship) ile asistanliga sizi kabul etseler de, ornegin 5 yillik integrated programlarla direk olarak ilgili asistanliga (damar cerrahisi) kabul alabilmek de mumkundur.
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www.acgme.org sitesinden ulaşabilirsiniz.
resmi sitedir. ve bilmek isteyeceğiniz her türlü bilgi burada vardır.
www.acgme.org u tıkladıktan sonra sol tarafta alt alta bulunan ifadelerden, review committes başlığı altında bu bilgilere ulaşabilirsin.
altta örnek olarak, bahsettiğim yerden alıntıladığım, torasik cerrahiye kabul ön şartlarını bulabilirsin.
Int.B.1.a) Independent Program (traditional format): Two years of thoracic surgery
education, preceded by a successfully completed surgery residency
program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical
Education (ACGME) or by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons
of Canada.
Programs wishing to provide a three-year curriculum must document an
educational rationale for the program which must be approved in advance
by the Review Committee.
Int.B.1.b) Joint Surgery/Thoracic Surgery Program (the 4+3 program): All seven
years of the program must be completed in the same institution, and all of
the years must be accredited by the ACGME. Assuming successful
completion of the programs, this format provides the graduate with the
ability to apply for certification in both surgery and thoracic surgery.
Int.B.1.c) Integrated Program: Six years of thoracic surgery education (completed in
one institution) following completion of an M.D. or D.O. degree from an
institution accredited by the Liaison Committee of Medical Education
(LCME). Graduates of medical schools from countries other than the
United States or Canada must present evidence of final certification by
the Education Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG).
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kalp damar cerrahı olmak istiyorum.ancak freida sitesinde cardac surgery,cardovascular surgery gibi tanımlamalara hiç rastlayamadım
ya thoracic ya da vascular surgery sadece mevcut
bu konuda bilgi verebilir misiniz?
ek olarak şunu da sormak istiyorum,kardiyovasküler cerrahisi için usmle ve sonrasındaki prosedürler açısından şansımız,olanaklarımız nelerdir?nasıl başarılabilir?ulaş abi ve fikri olan arkadaşlar yardımcı olurlarsa çok sevinirim
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- Göğüs Cerrahisi (thoracic surgery)
- Kalp-Damar Cerrahisi için şansımız nedir?