Topic-icon Residency Interview Questions

10 years 3 weeks ago #1 by efe_aras
Umarim hersey gonlunce olur, tecrubelrini okumak buyuk bir zevk..B

Efe Levent Aras,MD PhD
University of Copenhagen Hillerød Hospital , Orthopedic Surgery Dept.
Aarhus University Hospital Orthopedic Surgery Spinal Reserch Lab.
Noerrebrogade 44, 8000 Aarhus/DENMARK

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10 years 3 weeks ago - 10 years 3 weeks ago #2 by neox
Replied by neox on topic Residency Interview Questions
benim de epey faydalandigim bir baslik oldu gercekten, sorulabilecek sorularin hemen hemen hepsi mevcut. yalniz ben ek olarak interview tecrubemi paylasayim sizlerle. hatta sirayla yazayim:
- gorusme mailinde hastaneye yakin ucuz oteller icin bir liste de vardi ve hastaneye yakin bir yer ayarladim, sorun olmadi.
- gorusmeden bir gun once pre interview party denilen ve bolum asistanlari ile basvuranlarin katildigi toplanti gibi ama partimtrak bir uygulamalari vardi. buna katilmak onemli cunku interview'a asistanlardan birisi de katiliyor. issiz gucsuz oldugum icin katildim tabi ama zaman sorunum olsaydi da bir sekilde ayarlar ve katilirdim. hem tanismak hem de asistana aklimiza gelen sorulari sormak onemli birsey. herkes cok kibardi, yardimciydi, guleryuzluydu.
- gorusme gunu ise sabahin 7'sinde baslayip oglen 2 gibi bitti. sabah erkenden kalkip dedikleri yere gittim, once kahvalti oldu, sonra kisa bir sunum yapildi. sunumdan sonra ise her bir candidate'in farkli bir schedule' i var, mesela benimkisi interview- tour- interview - interview seklindeydi. ama dedigim gibi ornegin ben tour yaparken bir baskasi interview yapiyordu ve kimin hangi hocaya dustugu ise tamamen randomizeydi. burada ayrica belirtmem gereken bir durum var mesela turk hoca varsa sizin interview'a giremiyor, ayni sekilde hintli hoca da hintli candidate'in interview'ina giremiyor. diger kurumlarda farkli olabilir ama burada boyleydi.
- ilk interview program direktoru ile birebir, ikincisi ise bir baska hoca ve yanindaki resident ile oldu. peki ortam nasildi derseniz, tamamen sohbet havasindaydi, hani arada cay icsek sanki kafede oturup geyik yapiyormusuz gibi, o derece rahat ve sakin bir ortamdi.
- ilk ve en meshur soruyla basladik tabi: tell me about yourself. kompleks gibi gorunmekle beraber aslinda kisaca neden orada oldugunuzu anlatmaniz yeterli bence, sonrasi yine klasik sorular neden abd? neden bizim bolum? cevabiniz hazir olmali bunlar icin, iiiii miiiii demeden direkt ve akici bir sekilde konusmak lazim cunku adamlar kem kum eden biri yerine seriye baglamis ve ne istedigini bilen birilerini gormeyi bekliyorlar. isin ilginc yani her iki hoca da bana ayni seyi sordu: madem uzmansin neden bir daha asistanlik yapmak istiyorsun? sana gore belki daha az tecrubeli birisi senden hiyerarsik olarak ustte olacak sorun olacagini dusunuyor musun? fellowluga neden basvurmadin? yani adamlar kisacasi ne ayaksin sen diye soruyor. tabi bunlar cakal sorular, ben de egosu yuksek biri degilim-ki gercekten de oyle- oyle olsam burada isim olmazdi, ogrenmeye ve bildiklerimi revize etmeye, eksiklerimi kapatmaya geldim dedim vs. yuz ifadelerinden tatmin olduklarina dair izlenim elde ettim tabi ama gelecek ne getirir bilmiyorum, ret yiyebilirim yani...
her bir interview 20 dk kadar surdu, en son interview ise chairman tarafindan geldiginiz icin tesekkur ederiz babinda gostermelik ve 2 dk lik bir interview'di.
sonuc ne olur bilmiyorum ama ne olursa olsun guzel bir tecrubeydi arkadaslar.
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14 years 2 months ago #3 by dr_medusa
gerçekten çok güzel bir paylaşım olmuş.
sorulara şöyle bir göz attım.ama ne yazık ki çoğuna cevap vermekte zorlandım hatta bazılarına cevap bile veremedim.çok kişisel ve şaşırtıcı sorular var.galiba mülakattan önce insanın önce kendine doğru ufak bir yolculuğa çıkması gerekiyor :)

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14 years 4 months ago - 14 years 4 months ago #4 by ergin
Replied by ergin on topic Residency Interview Questions
Gerçekten mülakatta sorulabilecek bütün sorular var. Faydalı bir paylaşım.


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14 years 4 months ago - 14 years 4 months ago #5 by alp
Replied by alp on topic Residency Interview Questions

Çok güzel bir katkı olmuş.

Bu sorular bir internet sitesinden mi? Onun adresini de ekleyebilir misin?

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14 years 4 months ago #6 by Emre
Replied by Emre on topic Residency Interview Questions
Cok guzel bir baslik acmissin cilcin, katkin icin tesekkurler...

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14 years 4 months ago #7 by çilçin
What are the questions you may be asked on the interview day?
1. List three accomplishments of which you are most proud of and what each
accomplishment indicates about you?
2. List three abilities you have that will make you valuable as a resident in this
3. What clinical experience have you had in this specialty?
4. Do you have any questions?
5. Tell me about yourself?
6. What three adjectives best describe you?
7. What might give me a better picture of you than I can get from your resume?
8. Tell me a story about yourself that best describes you?
9. f you were going to die in 5 minutes, what would you tell someone about yourself?
10. Of which accomplishments are you most proud?
11. Are there any hidden achievements or qualities that you are secretly proud of?
12. How have you changed since high school?
13. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
14. Tell me about your “secret identity” – The part of your personality that you don’t
share with strangers?
15. Any skeletons in your closet you want to tell me about?
16. How well do you take criticism?
17. What’s your pet peeve?
18. If you could change one thing about your personality what would it be?
19. If you could be any cell in the human body, which would you be and why?
20. Do you see yourself as more relaxed/casual/informal or more
21. What is more important, the ability to organize, structure, and prioritize or to be
flexible, modify, change and make do as needed?
22. Which is more important, knowledge or imagination?
23. Strangest Halloween costume you ever wore?
24. What do you value in your own life?
25. If you had unlimited money and (x amount of time) what would you do?
26. 3 wishes, what would they be?
27. What kinds of people are your friends?
28. Describe your best friend?
29. How are you similar and dissimilar to your best friend?
30. How would your friends or co‐workers describe you?
31. Who are your heroes?
32. What is your favorite movie, book?
33. What is the last book you read?
34. What do success and failure mean to you?
35. What do you do in your spare time?
36. Favorite games/sports? Why?
37. Have you done any volunteer work?
38. How did you choose these outside activities?
39. If you had a completely free day, what would you do?
40. Describe for me your typical day?
41. What is the most bizarre thing you have ever done (in college, high school, etc)?
42. What is the most unusual occurrence in your life in the past (x amount of time)?
43. Which organizations do you belong to?
44. What are your plans for a family?
45. If could not be a physician, what career would you choose?
46. Why choose to be a doctor?
47. How do you make important decisions?
48. Are you a risk taker or safety minded?
49. What made you choose your undergraduate major?
50. How did you select undergraduate college and medical school?
51. What were the major deficiencies in your medical school training? How would you
plan to remedy this?
52. If you could begin your schooling again, what would you change?
53. Have you ever dropped a class, why?
54. Have you ever quit or been fired from a job?
55. Biggest failures in life and what have you done to ensure that they won’t happen
56. Have you always done the best work of which you are capable?
57. Which types of people do you have problems working with?
58. What qualities drive you crazy in colleagues?
59. Describe the best/worst attending with whom you have ever worked?
60. Do you prefer to work under supervision or on your own?
61. With which patients do you have trouble dealing?
62. How do you normally handle conflict?
63. How do you respond when you have problems with someone?
64. What do you do if someone senior tells you to do something you know is wrong?
65. With what subject/rotation did you have the most difficulty?
66. Why do you want to go into this specialty?
67. What would you be willing to sacrifice to become a physician in this specialty?
68. What is the greatest sacrifice you have already made to get to where you are?
69. If your chosen specialty did not exist, what would you do?
70. How much did lifestyle considerations fit into your choice of specialty?
71. Why did you apply to this program?
72. What qualities are you looking for in a program?
73. What interests you most about this program?
74. What have you heard about our program that you don’t like?
75. Are you applying here because it is a familiar environment?
76. What will be the toughest aspect of this specialty for you?
77. How will you handle the least interesting or least pleasant parts of this specialty’s
78. What qualities are most important in this specialty?
79. What kind of qualities does a person need to be an effective physician?
80. Why should we take you over other applicants?
81. What can you add to our program?
82. What computer experience do you have?
83. Describe your ideal residency program?
84. What is your energy level like?
85. How many hours of sleep do you require each night?
86. How well do you function under pressure?
87. How do you handle stress?
88. Can you handle stress without the resources you are accustomed to relying on?
89. Tell me about the patient from whom you learned the most?
90. Most memorable experience in medical school/college?
91. What errors have you made in patient care?
92. Greatest fear about practicing medicine?
93. Where do you see yourself in 5‐10 years?
94. How do you see the delivery of health care evolving in the 21st century?
95. Is health care a right or a privilege?
96. What problems will our specialty face in the next 5‐10 years?
97. What would you do if the house staff had a strike?
98. What do you think of what’s happening in mid east? Congress? Economy?
99. Teach me something non‐medical in 5 minutes?
100. Where else have you interviewed?
101. What if you don’t match?
102. Can you think of anything else you would like to add?
103. How do you deal/cope with failure, give example?
104. What was your favorite course in medical school?
105. Describe a conflict you had with someone and how it was resolved?
106. Describe something that was very difficult in your life, how you dealt with it, and
what you learned from it?
107. What needs to be changed in our health care system?
108. How can you do your job more effectively?
109. What is the most pressing problem in medicine today?
110. What is the most rewarding thing you have ever done?
111. Tell me some of your successes?
112. Tell me some of your failures?
113. How do you show your commitment to medicine?
114. Who is the most influential in your life?
115. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you?
116. What do you do for fun?
117. When did you decide you wanted to be a physician?
118. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
119. What leadership roles have you held?
120. What are the biggest problems in medicine and in your chosen specialty?
121. What do you think of socialized medicine?
122. Do you know how hard residency is?
123. Do you want research to be a part of your career?
124. What is your most important accomplishment?
125. What makes you different from everyone else?
126. What do you expect out of your residency?
127. What is your most important lesson learned from childhood?
128. What do you expect will be the hardest part of residency for you?
129. Who in your family are you closest to?
130. What makes you happy?
131. What makes you sad?
132. What makes you unique?
133. Is there anything else not in application that you want to tell me?
134. How do your friends describe you?
135. 3 people you would invite to dinner and why?
136. Describe important relationships you have had with people?
137. Anything else you want to tell me about yourself?
138. What was your most difficult challenge in life?
139. Why do you want to come here?
140. What are some challenges that will face this specialty?
141. What motivates you?
142. Why are you here?
Questions to Ask the Faculty
1. What types of non‐clinical responsibilities are there? (Research, projects, writing,
2. What research projects are the faculty and residents currently working on? How is
funding obtained? Who gets first authorship?
3. Is there time to do research? If you need to present at a national conference, will the
department pay for your way there?
4. Is there training in administrative and legal aspects? Is there hands‐on experience
dealing with insurance, billing, contracts, hiring?
5. What are the population demographics? (Indigent, insured, etc)
6. Who does specific procedures? How is that delegated?
7. Is there conference time? Is it a protected time?
8. What is the amount of exposure and experience in other specialties?
9. What is the underlying philosophy of the program? What is the mission statement
for the program?
10. Are there any required/provided certifications? (ACLS, ATLS, PALS/APLS)
11. Are there any skills labs?
12. How are procedures recorded and credentialed?
Questions to Ask the Program Director
1. Where are your graduates? Geographic areas? Academic vs. community?
2. How have your graduates done on the board exam? Did all pass on the first time?
How did they do on oral exams?
3. How have residents done on in‐service exams?
4. Any new faculty coming on? Any leaving?
5. Type of resident evaluations? How often? How is feedback supplied to residents?
6. What changes if any do you anticipate in the program’s curriculum? Why?
7. Have any residents left the program? Did they enter the same field elsewhere? Why
did they leave?
8. Do you help graduates find jobs? How do you accomplish this – counseling sessions,
faculty contacts? Will faculty review job offer with residents?
9. What are the weaknesses of this program and how are they being improved?
10. What are the strengths of this program?
11. I am very interested in your program, what else can I do as an applicant?
12. What can I expect from you as a resident in your program?
13. What do you expect from me as a resident in your program?
14. What is your future plans and how long do you intend to stay here?
15. How are faculty chosen? What are their strengths, weaknesses, and interests?
16. What is your accreditation status?
17. Has the program ever been on probation? If so, why?
18. How often are you reviewed by the RRC and when is the next review?
19. Do you support resident involvement in national associations?
20. How many national conferences do residents get to attend and when?
21. Does the program pay dues to specialty academic societies (e.g. AMA)
22. What processes are in place to deal with issues for residents?
23. What is their policy on maternity/paternity leave?
24. How are the residents treated by the ancillary staff?
Questions to Ask the Residents
1. What contact will I have with faculty and how often?
2. How is the faculty coverage?
3. How involved are faculty on their cases?
4. often do you want faculty input but find it’s unavailable?
5. Who teaches – senior resident, attending, both? Do you feel you have the
opportunity to teach as a senior resident?
6. How much didactic time is there? How much time is spent in lectures, seminars, and
journal clubs?
7. What has higher priority: Attending conference or clinical duties?
8. What are the types of clinical experiences I can expect?
9. Are there struggles between services for procedures?
10. Is it difficult to obtain consults from other services? 11.What is a typical patient
12. Have graduates felt comfortable performing all necessary procedures by the time
they graduate?
13. What type of procedural experience is there?
14. Will I have time to read?
15. What type of support staff is available? Who starts IV, blood draws, clerical work,
takes patient to‐ray? How often do you wheel patients to X‐Ray?
16. What is the call schedule? Is it home call or hospital call?
17. What is the patient population like? (Indigent, insured, HIV, penetrating/blunt
18. Do the residents go out as a group? Are the events for all residents or just those in
the program?
19. How often do social events occur? Any activities of special interest to residents?
20. Are the majority of residents here married or single, any with kids?
21. Where do people live?
22. Is parking a problem?
23. What if there is a problem, will the program stand up for the resident?
24. How are shifts done? What is their length? Advance from days to evenings to nights?
Night float?
25. Are there any away electives? Where?
26. Is there research time? How much and what is required?
27. What are the weaknesses of the program and how are they being improved?
28. What is the one thing you would improve at this program if you could?
29. Are you happy here?
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